Growing up in Asia as a Chinese, soup is a staple food to all of us. In Chinese, we need to have four dishes and one soup meal. Some say it is due to the belief of "5 Elements" and one element must be water.
In today's recipe, I am going to cook the vegan version of Old Cucumber Soup.
I believe most of the Chinese know what Old Cucumber Soup is. It is a slow-cooked Cantonese soup that usually cooks with pork. There is an abundance of benefits in this soup. It contains high dietary fiber, iron, calcium and prevents aging (some says).
A vegan version of Old Cucumber soup is much easier to cook compared to the one with meat. I replaced the meat with sweet corn and vegan mushroom meat in this recipe.
The Recipe
You will need the ingredients below.
1 old cucumber, wash & cut and please leave skin on.
2 sweet corn
2 carrots
10-15 pitted red dates
5 slices of ginger
1 and a half cup of vegan mushroom meat (or more), you can replace it with the mushroom stem.
2 liters of water
White pepper, mushrooms powder and salt to taste.
Toasted sesame oil, to drizzle on top after the soup is cooked.
Cooking the soup is super simple, I would suggest you cook your soup before cooking other dishes as it takes time to cook. Unless you have a pressure cooker at home. You practically put everything in a pressure cooker and let it cook for 2 minutes. You should allow it to release naturally instead of force release the pressure.
If you do not have a pressure cooker, you can boil the soups over low heat in a stainless steel pot for over 5 to 6 hours to get all the flavours in your soup! Believe me, the longer you boil in low heat, the more delicious the soup is.
[Alliums-free recipe]
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